How to Delete SoFi Account in 2024

How to Delete Your SoFi Account in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to delete SoFi account? Managing our online presence and the accounts we hold is crucial for privacy and maintaining clarity and control over our financial landscape. SoFi, a popular personal finance company, offers various financial services, from investing to loan management. However, there may come a time when you need to simplify your financial tools or address concerns about data privacy. If you find yourself at this crossroads, you might wonder “how to delete SoFi account” This guide provides a detailed, step-by-step process to help you close your SoFi account securely and efficiently in 2024.

What is SoFi?

SoFi, short for Social Finance, Inc., has evolved significantly since its inception. Initially focused on student loan refinancing, the company expanded into mortgages, personal loans, credit cards, investing, and cryptocurrency. It’s a one-stop-shop for financial management but can become redundant or unnecessary depending on your monetary strategy or changes in your circumstances.

Reasons to Delete a SoFi Account

Before diving into the deletion process, let’s understand why someone might want to delete their SoFi account:

  1. Data Privacy Concerns: With increasing data breaches and privacy issues, managing where your personal information resides is vital.
  2. Consolidation of Financial Accounts: Simplifying your financial landscape by reducing the number of accounts you manage.
  3. Dissatisfaction with Services: Perhaps SoFi’s offerings no longer meet your financial needs or expectations.
  4. Switching to Competing Services: You might find more attractive features or terms with other financial service providers.

Preparation Before Account Deletion

  1. Settle Any Outstanding Balances: Ensure all loans or dues are fully paid.
  2. Redeem or Transfer Rewards: If you have any accrued rewards or points, use them or transfer them where possible.
  3. Download Necessary Documents: Obtain all relevant financial statements and records for future reference.
  4. Notify Joint Account Holders: If your SoFi account is shared with others, inform them about your decision.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Delete SoFi Account

How to Delete SoFi Account

Step 1: Login and Navigate to Account Settings

Start by logging into your SoFi account through the website or mobile app. Navigate to the ‘Account Settings’ section, which usually resides in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard.

Step 2: Check for Account Closure Options

Look for a section related to account management or closure within the settings. The direct option to close your account may vary based on updates to the SoFi interface.

Step 3: Contact Customer Support

If there’s no direct way to delete your account from the platform, you must contact SoFi’s customer support. This can typically be done via phone, email, or live chat. Prepare to verify your identity and discuss your reasons for account closure.

Step 4: Follow Through with the Instructions

The customer support team will provide specific instructions based on your account type and status. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure your account is closed properly.

Step 5: Confirm Account Deletion

Once you have followed all steps, ask for a confirmation email or letter stating that your account has been closed and that your data will be handled as per privacy laws.

Things to Consider After Deleting Your SoFi Account

After closing your account, monitor your financial statements and credit report to ensure no unauthorized activities. It’s also wise to update your financial plans and account information wherever necessary.


If you still have a question: How to delete sofi account? We want to believe this guide has proven useful to you and answered your question. Deleting your SoFi account in 2024 requires careful consideration and preparation. By following this guide, you can ensure that the process is handled securely and that your financial health remains intact. Closing any financial account should align with your overall financial goals and strategies. Whether for simplification, privacy, or dissatisfaction, controlling where and how your financial data is managed is a prudent step in today’s digital world.


How do I delete my SoFi account?

Contact SoFi customer service via their website or phone to request account deletion.

Does it cost money to close a SoFi account?

No, there is no fee to close a SoFi account.

How do I close my SoFi investing account?

Liquidate all investments, then contact customer support for closure procedures.

How do I unlink my SoFi account?

Go to settings in your SoFi account to unlink or remove connections.